Patient Data Opt-Out

You can choose to stop your confidential patient information being used for research and planning. Your confidential patient information will still be used for your individual care.

There are two opt-outs available to patients of the NHS.

  • Type 1 – Opting out of your GP record confidential information being shared outside of your GP practice for anything other than your individual care. To Opt-out of your GP confidential record being shared for anything other than your individual care please complete the below form. The practice will then record your preference.  (A separate form is required per patient or dependent)


  • Type 2 – Opting out of NHS Digital sharing your wider health record (from hospital or other NHS organisations) for anything other than your individual care – this is now called the National Data Opt-Out. All the information required to contact NHS Digital can be found here


Click here to set your opt-out preference

NHS Digital – Opting-out of sharing your confidential patient information