Statement of Purpose
What is a Statement of Purpose?
Our statement of purpose is a document we have produced which holds information about our services. In our statement we describe:
- Our aims and objectives in providing our services.
- The kinds of services we provide.
- The health or care needs our services set out to meet.
- The locations where our services are actually provided or provided from.
- Details about us (the provider), including our legal status, and any manager(s), including the ‘address for service’ for all registered persons.
Branch End Surgery’s Duty of Candour
A Guide for Patients and Carers
Branch End Surgery wants to provide the best possible care at all times, but we acknowledge that despite our best efforts, things can occasionally not go as well as you might like.
If you ever feel that something should have gone better, we would much rather hear about it, from the outset, and try to rectify it.
If you ever feel that there is a problem with any aspect of your care or service at the practice please let a doctor, nurse, or one of the receptionists know. Alternatively, please contact our practice manager by phone on 01661 842626 or by email:
We very much value your feedback, as acting on it can only lead to improvement. More importantly, we want to learn from any mistakes or near misses, so that they are not repeated.
For more information, you can also contact any of the following:
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (search via )
- Citizens Advice Bureau or call 03444 111 444
- Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group (search via )
- Healthwatch email or call Healthwatch England on 03000 683 000
‘Duty of Candour’ Explained
Branch End is committed to being open and honest with patients on those rare occasions that things might go wrong. This is the key principle of our Duty of Candour policy.
‘Duty of Candour’ actually came into force as a law in November 2014, meaning that, as a healthcare provider, we must be open and honest with our patients.
One of the main aims of Duty of Candour is to make sure that you have confidence in us to be honest with you about your care and treatment.
What are the practice’s legal requirements in relation to our duty of candour’?
In the unfortunately even that something goes wrong with your care. The practice should:
- Tell you what has happened and apologise
- Provide you with a full and true account of all the known facts
- Advise what else we need to do
- Provide reasonable support to you
- Share our findings with you, families and carers
- Identify the cause(s) of the incident
- Let you ask any questions
Which types of ‘incident’ actually constitute a Duty of Candour?
Duty of Candour starts when there has been a ‘notifiable safety incident’.
This is a serious incident which has resulted in either:
- A patient’s death
- Moderate harm to the patient.
- Severe harm to the patient.
- Prolonged psychological harm to the patient
‘Moderate harm’ is when there has been a moderate increase in treatment and unplanned return to surgery, unplanned readmission, a prolonged episode of care, extra time in hospital as an inpatient or outpatient, cancelling of treatment or transfer to another treatment area (such as intensive care).
‘Severe harm’ is when there has been a permanent lessening of functions that is related directly to the incident. Prolonged psychological harm is psychological harm which is experienced or is likely to be experienced for a continuous period of at least 28 days.
Why was Duty of Candour introduced?
Duty of Candour came into effect for all non-NHS bodies registered with the Care Quality Commission [CQC] from 1 April 2015. This is regulation aims to ensure that providers are open and transparent with people who use services and other people acting lawfully on their behalf, in relation to care and treatment.
What happens if a healthcare provider does not comply?
Healthcare providers can be fined and the CQC has the power to prosecute organisations.
Can I complain?
Yes. Duty of Candour does not affect your right to complain. You can still make a formal complaint if you are not happy with any aspect of your care, even if your concerns are not affected by Duty of Candour.